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1. Which lamp should be used when motor vehicles pass hrough an intersection at night where there is no traffic light signal?

A. High-beam

B. Low-beam

C. Hazard lamps

D. High-beam and low-beam should be used alternatively

Answer: D

2. Which of the following can effectively avoid driving fatigue

A. Take a proper rest after dinner before driving.

B. Driving continuously for no more than 4 hours

C. Keep a Good Sleep

D. Do npt eat too much

Answer: ABCD

3. Serious wave will appear when the front tire blows out; the driver should release the accelerator, firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands, quickly gradually break down, and stop to yield.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

4. When encountering pedestrians slowly cross the road in a residential area, the driver should sound the horn continuously.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

5. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Watch for long time honking

B. An unmanned level crossing

C. A manned level crossing

D. Multi-crossing of railway and road

Answer: B

6. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No yielding

B. Yield while crossing each other

C. Reduce speed and yield

D. Stop to yield

Answer: C

7. What is the purpose of checking before driving?

A. Confirm whether the tyres of motor vehicles are damaged or not

B. Confirm whether there is a safety hazard near the vehicle.

C. Confirm whether there are obstacles around the vehicle

D. Confirm whether the road in front of the vehicle is safe

Answer: ABCD

8. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Going straight and left turn

B. Going straight and right turn

C. No going straight and no right turn

D. Left turn and right turn only

Answer: B

9. What should be done by motor vehicle drivers in order to yield politely to such pedestrians?

A. Speed up and bypass in front of the pedestrians

B. Speed up and bypass from behind the pedestrians

C. Reduce speed or stop to yield

D. Continuously sound the horn to alert the pedestrians

Answer: C

10. Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Pass slowly at a lower speed

B. Speed up and pass

C. Continuously sound the horn and pass

D. Pass at a normal speed

Answer: A

11. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Bypass from left side

B. Continuous curves

C. Sharp left curve

D. Sharp right curve

Answer: C

12. When such circumstances happen suddenly, drivers should reduce speed in a timely fashion or stop to yield.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

13. Violent wind can cause a sideways swerve to a running vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

14. When driving a motor vehicle, the driver encounter pedestrians who are focused on using mobile phones, what should the driver do?

A. Drive with care

B. Observe the movement of pedestrians

C. Be ready to stop

D. Swiftly bypass from one side

Answer: ABC

15. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A. Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B. Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowl

C. Park in a safe place

D. Drive slowly close to the roadside

Answer: C

16. Under such circumstances, what should be done by motor vehicle drivers in order to yield to the pedestrians politely?

A. Set off after pedestrians pass

B. Set off and bypass in front of the pedestrians

C. Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

D. Set off and approach the pedestrians slowly

Answer: A

17. When driving motor vehicles on the uphill section of a mountain road, the driver should _____.

A. Always pay attention to downstream vehicles

B. Advance at a uniform speed.

C. Avoid shifting whenever possible

D. Choosing high speed gear

Answer: ABC

18. When rescuing a wounded person in coma, it is necessary to take warm-keeping measures to prevent heat loss.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Reduce speed and go slowly

B. Watch for danger

C. Jammed section

D. Accident-prone section

Answer: B

20. When there is no bandage for rescuing a wounded person, which of the following measures is wrong?

A. Dress the wounds with a handkerchief

B. Dress the wounds with a towe

C. Dress the wounds with cotton clothes

D. Dress the wounds with string

Answer: D

21. When passing through a tunnel, the wrong measure is to ___________.

A. Keep safe distance when two vehicles cross each other

B. Driving with the low beam light

C. Use the hight beam light when two vehicles cross each other

D. Overtaking in the tunnel

Answer: CD

22. When driving in icy and snowy weather, ________.

A. The tires can easily spin

B. The braking distance becomes longer

C. The tires can easily drift

D. Vehicle handling becomes more difficult

Answer: ABCD

23. When a motor vehicle moves through water, the driver should try to maintain a constant speed and sufficient power and pass through without stopping.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

24. When rescuing a wounded person who has been poisoned by toxic gas, the first measure is to send him/her to a place with fresh air so that he/she will not continue to be poisoned.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

25. When driving in a heavy rain, drivers should contro their speed to prevent their vehicles from sliding.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A



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