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1. If the road condition behind is good, motor vehicle drivers should reverse rapidly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

2. Which one of the following statements is correct in this situation?

A. Vehicles are prohibited from passing in the lanes on either side

B. Move into the lane on either side at a reduced speed

C. Move into the lane on the right side

D. Move into the lane on either side at an increased speed

Answer: A

3. When temporarily parking on a raining day, what kind of lamp should the driver turn on?

A. Front and back fog lamps

B. Hazard warning lamp

C. Headlamp

D. Reversing lamp

Answer: B

4. How will the adhesive force of road change when speed increases on a damp and slippery road?

A. Increase sharply

B. Increase gradually

C. decrease sharply

D. No change

Answer: C

5. The sign on the right warns of an unguarded railway intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. The sign on the right indicates an inspection station 100 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

7. The sign on the right warns of traffic signals ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

8. When finding a tire suddenly burst on the road, the driver should firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands to ensure the vehicle goes straight.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

9. What should the driver do upon finding that one of the left tires is leaking while driving?

A. Brake slowly to slow down

B. Brake swiftly to slow down

C. Turn to the right side swiftly

D. Apply emergency braking

Answer: A

10. What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but the motor vehicle in front neither reduces its speed nor allows the right of way?

A. Continuously sounding the horn and accelerating to overtake

B. Accelerating and continuing to overtake

C. Refraining from overtaking

D. Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake

Answer: C

11. How many kinds of law-breaking acts are displayed in flash 6?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

Answer: C

12. When the motor vehicle stops on a downhill section how should the driver use the foot brake?

A. Earlier than on a level road

B. Later than on a level road

C. As timely as on a level road

D. Gently depress the foot brake pedal

Answer: A

13. Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Pass slowly at a lower speed

B. Speed up and pass

C. Continuously sound the horn and pass

D. Pass at a normal speed

Answer: A

14. The sign on the right warns of a danger from rockfall on the left side.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. When a motor vehicle accidentally hits the guardrail of a highway, an effective protective measure is to turn dramatically in the opposite direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. After setting off from a roadside, motor vehicle drivers should watch both sides of the road, turn left and drive into the normal lane slowly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

17. When a motor vehicle accidentally hits the guardrail of the highway, what should be done by the driver in order to keep safe?

A. Firmly holding and properly adjusting the steering wheel

B. Turning swiftly to the opposite direction

C. Immediately applying emergency braking

D. Immediately steering to the collision side

Answer: A

18. Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Follow the vehicle closely

B. Overtake the vehicle quickly on its left

C. Keep a long braking distance

D. Overtake the vehicle quickly on its right

Answer: C

19. Motor vehicles are not permitted to change lanes in this position.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

20. When a gas tanker is leaking heavily, which of the following measures is wrong?

A. Cut off the power

B. Wear gas mask and protect gloves

C. Turn off the valve to stop leaking

D. Evacuate people to the leeward side

Answer: D

21. The sign on the right indicates to stop and yield for oncoming vehicles approaching on the road ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

22. What influence does smoking have upon driving?

A. Harmful for safe driving

B. Increase concentration

C. Help relaxation

D. No effect on driving

Answer: A

23. What should the driver do to follow other motor vehicles on a mountain road?

A. Closely follow the vehicle in front

B. Increase the safety distance

C. Reduce the vertical distance between vehicles

D. Try to overtake the vehicle in front as soon as possible

Answer: B

24. What should the driver do when the motor vehicle counters this situation?

A. Sound the horn continuously to warn

B. Speed up and bypass from the front

C. Slow down when encountering any risks

D. Slow down voluntarily and yield

Answer: D

25. When a fast-moving vehicle is likely to collide with the vehicle in front, what should the driver do?

A. Brake to reduce speed first, and then steer to evade

B. Turn the steering wheel quickly to the left side to evade

C. Turn the steering wheel quickly to the right side to evade

D. Steer to evade first, and then brake to reduce speed

Answer: A



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