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1. When such circumstances happen suddenly, drivers should reduce speed in a timely fashion or stop to yield.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that drivers are only permitted to continue straight at the intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. When encountering a school bus which stops at the right roadside and students are embarking or disembarking, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. If there is only one motor vehicle lane in each direction, motor vehicle drivers behind the bus should stop and wait.

B. If there are two motor vehicle lanes in each direction, motor vehicle drivers in the left lane behind the bus may overtake the bus at a lower speed

C. If there are three motor vehicle lanes in each direction, motor vehicle drivers in the middle lane behind the bus should stop and wait

D. If there are three motor vehicle lanes in each direction, motor vehicle drivers in the left lane behind the bus may pass at a lower speed

Answer: ACD

4. When rescuing a person sustaining full-body burns the rescue personnel may spray cool water to his body to put out the fire.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

5. When encountering a road like this, motor vehicle drivers may make good use of neutral gear to coast.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. What should the driver do if the back wheel slides to the right on a muddy road?

A. Continuously speed up

B. Turn right

C. Turn left

D. Apply emergency brake

Answer: B

7. What should the driver do when a motor vehicle encounters this situation on a mountain road?

A. Stick to respective lanes and speed up to approach each other

B. Drive close to the central line of the road

C. Retain the normal speed

D. Slow down

Answer: D

8. Which is the correct way to use a fire extinguisher?

A. Stand on the leeward side

B. Direct the fire extinguisher at the source of fire

C. Try to approach the source of fire as close as possible

D. Direct the fire extinguisher at the flames

Answer: B

9. Mr. Tong drove a large bus (capacity 55 people and carrying 54) to Taiyuan City. When he drove on a muddy road at the speed of 45 kilometers per hour, the bus skidded into a deep ditch, killing 14 people dead and badly injuring 40 What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Tong?

A. Overloaded

B. Speeding

C. Driving after drinking

D. Fatigued driving

Answer: B

10. When encountering such pedestrians, motor vehicle drivers may continuously sound the horn to alert them to yield.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

11. What should motor vehicle drivers do under the circumstances shown in the flash?

A. Reduce speed or stop to yield

B. Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

C. Pass before the pedestrians

D. Immediately change to another lane to bypass the pedestrians

Answer: A

12. Mr. Tao drove a midsize bus with 33 passengers. At the spot of 163 kilometers on the South Xuping Expressway, the bus clashed at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour with Mr. Ans minibus parked without any warning signs on the inside lane, due to breakdown after an accident. The midsize bus overturned after collided with the guardrail on the right-hand side. As a result of the accident, 16 people were killed and 15 injured. What are the main illegal acts of the two drivers?

A. Mr. Tao carried more passengers than permitted

B. Mr. Tao exceeded speed limit

C. Mr. An failed to place any warning signs in accordance with relevant stipulations

D. Mr. An was illegally parked

Answer: ABC

13. Driving and smoking has no negative effect on safe driving

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

14. When a motor vehicle deviates from the normal direction due to steering failure, what should the driver do?

A. Immediately steer and adjust

B. Reduce speed and stop the vehicle as early as possible

C. Steer to the side where there is no obstacle to evade

D. Steer to the side where there is an obstacle to evade

Answer: B

15. This sign warns to bypass from the right side to avoid the roadblock.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. On which of the following roads may the wheels be most easily locked when braking?

A. Concrete road

B. Dirt road

C. Road covered by ice and snow

D. Sand road

Answer: C

17. When a motor vehicle breaks down on a mountain road, what should the driver do?

A. Park on a downhill section

B. Park on an uphill section

C. Park on a gentle section of the mountain road

D. Park on the crest of a slope

Answer: C

18. Motor vehicles are prohibited from stopping on the ramp of an expressway.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. Motor vehicle drivers are allowed to overtake on this road section.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. In this driving condition, drivers should turn on the high-beam when setting off.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

21. When steering failure happens to a fast moving motor vehicle, what should the driver do?

A. Apply emergency braking

B. Immediately change to a low gear

C. Reasonably use the driving brake and the stopping brake and refrain from applying emergency braking

D. Turn on the hazard lamps

Answer: BCD

22. After a motor vehicle falls into water, the driver should immediately close the windows to prevent water from flowing into the compartment and to keep the air from flowing out. At the same time, he/she should make calls to tell the rescue personnel the place of the accident and wait for their arrival.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

23. What should the driver do if he encounters pedestrians in this situation at an intersection?

A. Slow down promptly and stop to yield

B. Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

C. Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians

D. Turn on the headlamps to warn the pedestrians to yield

Answer: A

24. As shown in this picture, the vehicles intending to turn left are allowed to drive into the left-turn waiting area directly to wait for the green light.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

25. The sign on the right indicates that no long-sounding horn.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B



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