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北京 天津 上海 重庆 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 内蒙古 黑龙江


1. How should lamps be used when setting off in this situation?

A. Turn on the high-beam

B. Turn on the left indicator only

C. Turn on the left indicator and low-beam

D. Turn on hazard lamp

Answer: C

2. Motor vehicle drivers are allowed to make a U-turn at this intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

3. The sign on the right warns of an unguarded railway crossing 150 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

4. When driving in a strong wind, what should the driver do if he feels the steering wheel is suddenly out of control due to the frequent changes in speed and direction of the wind?

A. Turn the steering wheel against the wind

B. Turn the steering wheel with the wind

C. Use emergency brake

D. Firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands

Answer: D

5. What should the driver do if he encounters pedestrians in this situation at an intersection?

A. Slow down promptly and stop to yield

B. Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

C. Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians

D. Turn on the headlamps to warn the pedestrians to yield

Answer: A

6. Under such circumstances, what should be done by a motor vehicle driver in order to yield out of courtesy?

A. Driving at a higher speed

B. Closely following the vehicle in front

C. Driving at a higher speed by the right side

D. Driving at a lower speed by the right side

Answer: D

7. When a motor vehicle moves through water, drivers should intermittently and gently depress the brake pedal in order to restore braking efficiency.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

8. The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that only left turns are permitted at the intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

9. Sounding the horn on a foggy day can arouse the attention of the opposite side. After hearing the horn from the opposite side, the driver should also sound their own horn to respond.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

10. A motor vehicle should slow down and stop at this level crossing.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

11. Once inflammable gas causes a fire disaster, it should be put out with water in good time.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. What should the driver do upon finding that one of the left tires is leaking while driving?

A. Brake slowly to slow down

B. Brake swiftly to slow down

C. Turn to the right side swiftly

D. Apply emergency braking

Answer: A

13. Which one of the following is a safe way for motor vehicles to pass an intersection marked with this sign?

A. Stopping and observing the traffic situation around the intersection

B. Approaching the intersection by speeding up

C. Approaching the intersection at a reduced speed

D. Observing the traffic situation on the left rear side

Answer: A

14. Motor vehicles are permitted to follow the guidance of the arrow in this picture and enter the lane of an expressway.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

15. What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle passes a school?

A. Observe the traffic signs and markings

B. Slow down and pass slowly

C. Prohibited from sounding the horn

D. Pass rapidly

Answer: ABC

16. When putting out a fire disaster that gives out corrosive steam or poisonous gas, the firefighters should wear gas masks and other related protective articles and operate from the windward side.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

17. When approaching a sharp curve, motor vehicle drivers should reduce speed only after entering the curve.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

18. The sign in front indicates a one-kilometer distance from the highway entry.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. One day, Mr. Yang drove a large bus with 57 passengers (bus capacity 55 people) from 7 pm to 1 am the following morning. At the spot of 3008 kilometers mark by 110 meters on the No. 050 National Road in Jin Chengjiang District, the bus had a malignant traffic accident caused by front left tire burst, killing 12 people and injuring 22. What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Yang?

A. Fatigued driving

B. Carrying more passengers than permitted

C. Speeding

D. Misoperation

Answer: AB

20. When a motor vehicle accidentally hits the guardrail of a highway, an effective protective measure is to turn dramatically in the opposite direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

21. Mr. Wu drove a large bus with 33 passengers (capacity 22 people). At the spot of 7 kilometers mark by 300 meters on the No 163 County Road, the bus lost control and fell into a ravine. As a result of the accident, 10 people were killed and 21 injured. In accordance with the alcohol test after the accident the blood alcohol content of Mr. Wu was 26 milligram per milliliter. What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Wu?

A. Speeding

B. Carrying more passengers than permitted

C. Fatigued driving

D. Driving after drinking

Answer: BD

22. Mr. Yang drove an adapted minibus (capacity 9 people and carrying 64 passengers, including 62 kindergarten pupils). When driving in Ma Caogou Village of Yu Linzi County, the bus used the lane for oncoming traffic and had a head-on colision with a heavy dump truck. As a result of this accident, 22 people were killed and 44 injured. What are the main illegal acts in this case?

A. The truck exceeded the speed limit

B. Illegal adaptation of a motor vehicle

C. The minibus carried more passengers than capacity

D. Driving in the opposite direction lane

Answer: BCD

23. When a motor vehicle catches fire on the expressway the driver should drive the motor vehicle to the service area or the parking lot to extinguish the fire.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

24. Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Guard against the sideslip of motor vehicles

B. Guard against the crossing of pedestrians

C. Speed up and pass through as quickly as possible

D. Continuously sound the horn

Answer: B

25. What is the meaning of the sign on the right?

A. Long-time parking permitted

B. Temporary parking permitted

C. Long waiting for passengers permitted

D. No parking

Answer: B



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