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1. When a head-on collision with another vehicle is unavoidable, what should the driver do?

A. Change head-on collision to side collision

B. Immediately turn the steering wheel to the right side to evade

C. Immediately apply emergency braking

D. Immediately turn the steering wheel to the left side to evade

Answer: C

2. When a motor vehicle has deviated from the straight moving direction and an accident is unavoidable, the driver should decisively and continuously depress the brake pedal so as to shorten the stopping distance and reduce the impact of vehicle collision.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. Mr. Tang drove a large bus with 74 passengers (capacity 30 people). When descending a long curving slope at a speed of 38 kilometers per hour, the bus overturned to a brook beside the road. As a result of the accident, 17 people were killed and 57 people injured. What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Tang?

A. Driving after drinking

B. Carrying more passengers than permitted

C. Fatigued driving

D. Speeding

Answer: BD

4. When the motor vehicle stops on a downhill section how should the driver use the foot brake?

A. Earlier than on a level road

B. Later than on a level road

C. As timely as on a level road

D. Gently depress the foot brake pedal

Answer: A

5. When driving on an expressway which of the following statements is correct?

A. Drivers may stop to pick up or drop off passengers in the emergency lane

B. Drives may load or unload cargo in the emergency lane

C. Drives may overtake other vehicles or stop in the deceleration or acceleration lane

D. Drives are prohibited from driving or stopping in the emergency lane in a non-emergency case

Answer: D

6. When evading an emergency, except for being calm, what principle should be held by drivers?

A. Evading people first and then objects

B. Evading objects first and then vehicles

C. Evading vehicles first and then people

D. Evading objects first and then people

Answer: A

7. When encountering this situation in a residential area the driver should sound the horn continuously.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

8. How to run when encountering this situation at the intersection?

A. stop and wait

B. obey the traffic lights

C. run straight on the right side

D. may turn right

Answer: A

9. What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle passes a school?

A. Observe the traffic signs and markings

B. Slow down and pass slowly

C. Prohibited from sounding the horn

D. Pass rapidly

Answer: ABC

10. The sign on the right indicates an inspection station 100 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

11. The sign on the right indicates that no restriction for temporary parking.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. Drivers may turn left when traffic police give these hand signals.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

13. The broken yellow line in the center of the road indicates that bypassing by crossing the line is prohibited in any condition.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

14. The sign on the right side indicates that turning left is not permitted at the intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. What should a driver do when the engine stalls suddenly on the road?

A. Apply emergency braking to stop the vehicle

B. Slow down and stop the vehicle

C. Change to neutral gear and coast

D. Shut down the ignition switch

Answer: B

16. When fixing the unexposed bones in position, it is necessary to exceed the upper and lower joints of the wounded body part.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

17. Which one of the following is the safest way when driving a motor vehicle on this road?

A. Cutting speed or stopping to yield

B. Driving along the center of the road

C. Keeping a normal speed

D. Approaching vehicles by taking the opposite lane

Answer: A

18. The sign on the right indicates that sounding the horn is prohibited here.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

19. When driving in thick fog causing poor visibility on the expressway, the driver should apply emergency braking to stop at once.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. The sign on the right indicates an emergency shield 100 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

21. The driver may not change lanes when the motor vehicle turns right at this intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

22. Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving straight or turning left in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

23. Under the circumstances shown in the flash, what should the driver do?

A. Find a chance to overtake the vehicle in front

B. Weave through motor vehicles ahead and pass

C. Reduce speed, stop, and wait in line

D. Sound the horn to urge vehicles in front

Answer: C

24. After a motor vehicle enters the ramp from an expressway, it should reduce its speed below the prescribed speed limit.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

25. The sign on the right warns of an abrupt slope section ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A



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