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北京 天津 上海 重庆 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 内蒙古 黑龙江


1. The sign on the right indicates a section for ascertaining the distance between the vehicles 200 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. On which of the following roads may the wheels be most easily locked when braking?

A. Concrete road

B. Dirt road

C. Road covered by ice and snow

D. Sand road

Answer: C

3. The signs on each side warn of changes in road alignment ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

4. Under such circumstances, motor vehicles are not allowed to overtake.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

5. When driving into the traffic flow on a main road from a relief road, drivers should speed up.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. The driver should speed up to 40 kilometers per hour when he sees this traffic sign.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

7. When there is bleeding at the bone fracture of a wounded person, the first thing to do is to fix the wounded part in position, then stop the bleeding and dress the wound.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

8. What should the driver do if he wants to turn right at this intersection?

A. Turn right along the straight-going lane

B. Wait behind the stop line

C. Turn right along the right lane

D. Borrow the non-motor vehicle lane and turn right

Answer: C

9. The sign on the right indicates that overtaking is allowed on the section ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

10. What should the driver do when seeing these hand signals.

A. Stop and wait

B. Go straight and pass through the intersection

C. Turn right at the intersection

D. Turn left at the intersection

Answer: A

11. When finding a tire burst on the road, the driver should use emergency braking while controlling the direction of the vehicle at the same time to stop the vehicle quickly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. The solid yellow line on the curb indicates that temporary stopping or parking is allowed at the roadside.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

13. What should a driver do when the engine stalls suddenly on the road?

A. Apply emergency braking to stop the vehicle

B. Slow down and stop the vehicle

C. Change to neutral gear and coast

D. Shut down the ignition switch

Answer: B

14. What should the driver do when the motor vehicle counters this situation?

A. Sound the horn continuously to warn

B. Speed up and bypass from the front

C. Slow down when encountering any risks

D. Slow down voluntarily and yield

Answer: D

15. Mr. Wu drove a large bus with 33 passengers (capacity 22 people). At the spot of 7 kilometers mark by 300 meters on the No 163 County Road, the bus lost control and fell into a ravine. As a result of the accident, 10 people were killed and 21 injured. In accordance with the alcohol test after the accident the blood alcohol content of Mr. Wu was 26 milligram per milliliter. What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Wu?

A. Speeding

B. Carrying more passengers than permitted

C. Fatigued driving

D. Driving after drinking

Answer: BD

16. When approaching another vehicle at night, why should the driver alternate between high-and-low-beam at a distance more than 150 meters?

A. Warn each other before passing

B. Driving habit

C. Easy to observe the situation ahead from either side

D. Courtesy

Answer: C

17. The sign on the right indicates that no long-sounding horn.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

18. Which of the following is a basic requirement for rescuing the injured at the scene of a traffic accident?

A. Treat wounds first and safe life later

B. Save life first and treat wounds later

C. Help lightly wounded persons first

D. Help seriously wounded persons later

Answer: B

19. What should motor vehicle drivers do when going straight and passing through the intersection ahead?

A. Reduce speed when approaching the intersection

B. Reduce speed after entering the intersection

C. May pass through the intersection without speed reduction

D. Accelerate in advance to pass through the intersection

Answer: A

20. The driver may not yield when the motor vehicle encounters this situation at the intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

21. The sign on the right warns of a dangerous mountainside road ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

22. When the motor vehicle stops on an uphill section, how should the driver use the foot brake?

A. Earlier than on a level road

B. Later than on a level road

C. As timely as on a level road

D. Strongly depress the foot brake pedal

Answer: B

23. Motor vehicle drivers don’t need to use any lamp at night when passing through a road section where the street light condition is good.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

24. It is safest for a motor vehicle driver to overtake the vehicle in front from its righthand on this kind of road.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

25. When driving on a muddy road, what should drivers do if the wheels spin and slide?

A. Cover the ground under the wheels with gravels

B. Change to a high gear and speed out

C. Cover the ground under the driving wheels with gravels

D. Violently turn the steering wheel and suddenly speed up

Answer: C



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