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北京 天津 上海 重庆 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 内蒙古 黑龙江


1. Which one of the following ways to pass this intersection is correct?

A. Turn left or right

B. Drive straight or turn left

C. Turn left

D. Drive straight or turn right

Answer: D

2. If a motor vehicle is unable to drive in heavy fog on an expressway due to an accident, what should the driver do?

A. The driver and all passengers should promptly get off the motor vehicle from the left side door

B. Set up a warning sign 100 meters behind the vehicle in the oncoming direction

C. Turn on the hazard lamp and the high-beam

D. Stand in a safe place outside the guardrail

Answer: D

3. What should motor vehicle drivers do under the circumstance shown in the flash?

A. Drive by borrowing the opposite lane

B. Brake suddenly and pass through at a lower speed

C. Drive by the outer side of the curve

D. Reduce speed fully and drive by the right side

Answer: D

4. When encountering this situation on a mountainous road, motor vehicle drivers should overtake the vehicle in front by speeding up.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

5. The broken white line on the right side of the road indicates that drivers are allowed to change lanes by crossing the line.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

6. What should the driver do when the motor vehicle encounters this situation in a residential area?

A. Stop immediately

B. Speed up and pass rapidly

C. Sound the horn continuously

D. Slow down and pass slowly

Answer: A

7. A driver should accelerate in advance to overtake then it is likely to meet with oncoming vehicles.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

8. The driver may not change lanes when the motor vehicle turns right at this intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

9. If a motor vehicle enters a driving lane under this situation, what should the driver do?

A. Control the driving speed and follow the last vehicle

B. Speed up and cut in front of the second vehicle

C. Speed up and cut in front of the first vehicle

D. Cut in between two vehicles at will

Answer: A

10. The sign on the right warns of no passing due to collapse on the road ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

11. Drivers may turn left when traffic police give these hand signals.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. The sign on the right indicates a section for ascertaining the distance between the vehicles 200 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

13. The sign on the left warns that there are vehicles converging into the intersection on the left.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

14. Motor vehicles are permitted to move to the right lane at this intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

15. The sign in front indicates an open-air parking lot with rest area is 200 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

16. How should lamps be used when a motor vehicle meets an oncoming bicycle on a narrow road or a narrow bridge at night?

A. Continuously change between low-beam and high-beam

B. Use clearance lamp

C. Use high-beam

D. Use low-beam

Answer: D

17. When making a turn on a mountainous road, drivers should cut speed, sound the horn and drive along the right side.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

18. Under such circumstances, what should the motor vehicle driver do?

A. Reduce speed and yield by the left side

B. Reduce speed and yield by the right side

C. Speed up and yield by the left side

D. Go ahead along the original route

Answer: A

19. If a motor vehicle misses an exit on the expressway, the driver may reverse along the road shoulder.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. When a motor vehicle moves through water, drivers should intermittently and gently depress the brake pedal in order to restore braking efficiency.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

21. When a motor vehicle skids sideways on a muddy road, the driver should turn the steering wheel in the direction of the rear wheel skidding to properly adjust the direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

22. When a motor vehicle catches fire, the driver should manage to park the vehicle in an open place far away from urban areas, buildings, trees, other motor vehicles and flammable materials.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

23. As shown in the flash, the actions of the driver are correct.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

24. What should the driver do upon seeing this sign?

A. Slow down, look and pass slowly

B. Sound the horn to drive them away

C. Go through from the spaces between animals

D. Drive slowly and drive them away from the motor vehicle

Answer: A

25. Mr. He drove his large bus with 53 passengers (permitted carrying capacity 47) to 454 km mark by 100m along the Yining-hefei Expressway in Nanjing jurisdiction, where he was tailgated by a heavy-type semitrailer tractor. The bus left the road, breaking through the guardrail and catching fire. 17 people were killed and 27 injured. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr. He commit?

A. Speeding

B. Exceeding the carrying capacity of the motor bus

C. Driving a motor vehicle overdue for annual inspection

D. Improper operation

Answer: B



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