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1. The sign on the right indicates a one-kilometer distance from ETC toll station ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

2. The sign in front is an advance announcement of famous places and distances en route.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. Under such circumstances, what should be done by the motor vehicle driver who has been overtaken?

A. Sounding the horn to warn the vehicle that overtook

B. Reducing speed or pulling over by the right side

C. Protesting by turning on the high-beam

D. Catching up with and overtaking the vehicle that overtook, and offering admonitions

Answer: B

4. When a tire suddenly bursts on the road, what should not be done by the driver?

A. Keep calm and release the accelerator pedal slowly

B. Hold the steering wheel firmly to ensure the vehicle goes straight

C. Apply emergency braking and stop the vehicle in the shortest possible time

D. Gently depress the brake pedal after the vehicle slows down

Answer: C

5. This sign warns to bypass from the right side to avoid the roadblock.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. When a motor vehicle accidentally hits a guardrail of a highway, the driver should stabilize and adjust the steering wheel properly, and refrain from turning the steering wheel drastically.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

7. When finding a tire suddenly burst on the road, the driver should firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands to ensure the vehicle goes straight.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

8. Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Continuously sound the horn

B. Pass quickly

C. Pass at a lower speed

D. Bypass from either side

Answer: C

9. The sign in front indicates the distance to highway destination.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

10. If a driver finds there is no vehicle behind, he may change lanes without turning on the indicator.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

11. Mr. Qi drove a large bus with 28 passengers (capacity 55 people). When arriving at an intersection without any traffic signals from south to north at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, the bus had a side collision with Mr. Li’s heavy semi-trailer tractor (capacity 40 tons and carrying 55.2 tons) running from east to west. As a result of this accident, 12 people were killed and 17 injured. What are the main illegal acts in this case?

A. The bus carried more passengers than capacity

B. The bus exceeded the speed limit

C. The tractor carried more cargo than capacity

D. The driver of the tractor was inexperienced

Answer: BC

12. Which of the following is a bad habit when changing lanes?

A. Turning on the indicator in advance

B. Observing closely before changing a lane

C. Change lanes at will

D. Not obstructing the passing of other normally moving vehicles

Answer: C

13. When the engine suddenly stalls on the road, what should the driver do?

A. Stop the vehicle and overhaul it immediately

B. Immediately turn on the hazard lamps

C. Move the vehicle to a place where it will not obstruct the traffic flow

D. Set up a breakdown warning sign

Answer: BCD

14. How should the driver use vehicle lights when the motor vehicle leaves a roundabout?

A. Turn on the left-turn indicator

B. Turn on the hazard lamps

C. No need to turn on any indicators

D. Turn on the right-turn indicator

Answer: D

15. Motor vehicles drivers may overtake by borrowing the opposite lane on this kind of road.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. As shown in this picture, the vehicles intending to turn left are allowed to drive into the left-turn waiting area directly to wait for the green light.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. When the motor vehicle stops on an uphill section, how should the driver use the foot brake?

A. Earlier than on a level road

B. Later than on a level road

C. As timely as on a level road

D. Strongly depress the foot brake pedal

Answer: B

18. The sign on the right warns for children on the section ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. The sign in front indicates a 2-kilometer distance from the destination of the highway ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

20. When a tire bursts suddenly on the road, the driver should refrain from violently depressing the brake pedal in panic. Instead, he should try his best to change to a low gear and use engine braking to reduce the speed of the vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

21. Having driven a large passenger vehicle (carrying 44 passengers, permitted carrying capacity 44) equipped with sleepers at 44km/hour on a frozen road, at 58 km mark by 500m on 540 County Road in Yanhe County, Mr. Luo sideslipped and left the road, killing 15 people and injuring 27. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr. Luo commit?

A. Exceeding the carrying capacity of the passenger vehicle

B. Speeding

C. Fatigued driving

D. Improper driving

Answer: B

22. The motor vehicle equipped with ABS may sideslip during an emergency brake.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

23. When a wounded person is unable to get off the vehicle by himself, he should be removed from the vehicle so as to avoid a secondary injury.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

24. When driving, besides paying attention to keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front, drivers should also be prudent when braking so as to avoid a rear-end collision caused by a vehicle behind.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

25. What should the driver do if he wants to turn right at this intersection?

A. Turn right along the straight-going lane

B. Wait behind the stop line

C. Turn right along the right lane

D. Borrow the non-motor vehicle lane and turn right

Answer: C



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