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1. Which lamp should be turned on when motor vehicles pass through a road section at night where the street light condition is good?

A. Front and rear fog lamps

B. Low-beam

C. High-beam

D. Hazard lamp

Answer: B

2. When driving on the highway in foggy, rainy, or snowy weather with a range of visibility between 100 meters and 200 meters, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Turn on the fog lamp, low-beam, clearance lamp and front and rear position lamp

B. Drive at a speed of no more than 60 km/hour

C. Keep a breaking distance of more than 100 meters from the vehicle in front in the same lane

D. Leave the highway from the nearest exit as soon as possible

Answer: ABC

3. When disembarking, what should be done by drivers in order to keep safe?

A. Opening the door and disembarking immediately after stopping

B. Observing the traffic situation ahead

C. Opening the door first and then observing the situation beside and behind the vehicle

D. Observing the situation beside and behind the vehicle before opening the door slowly

Answer: D

4. When a tire suddenly bursts on the road, what should not be done by the driver?

A. Keep calm and release the accelerator pedal slowly

B. Hold the steering wheel firmly to ensure the vehicle goes straight

C. Apply emergency braking and stop the vehicle in the shortest possible time

D. Gently depress the brake pedal after the vehicle slows down

Answer: C

5. In this driving condition, drivers should turn on the high-beam when setting off.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. When finding a tire burst on the road, the driver should use emergency braking while controlling the direction of the vehicle at the same time to stop the vehicle quickly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

7. Under such circumstances, the motor vehicle is allowed to overtake.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

8. When a motor vehicle leaves an expressway, which of the following lamp should be turned on?

A. The left-turn indicator

B. The right-turn indicator

C. The hazard warning lamp

D. The headlamp

Answer: B

9. When a motor vehicle skids sideways on a muddy road, the driver should turn the steering wheel in the direction of the rear wheel skidding to properly adjust the direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

10. When there is no bandage for rescuing a wounded person, towels, handkerchiefs, bed sheets and stockings can all be used for dressing.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

11. What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but finds that the vehicle in front is also overtaking?

A. Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake it

B. Accelerating to overtake forcefully

C. Continuously sounding the horn to urge the vehicle in front to yield

D. Refraining from overtaking and letting the vehicle in front overtake first

Answer: D

12. When driving on an expressway, drivers should not frequently change lanes.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

13. Mr. Qian drove a large sleeper coach with 45 passengers (capacity 40 people) at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour. On a long slope with sharp curves in Basu County, the coach fell into a 100-meter-deep valley, killing 17 people and injuring 20. What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Qian?

A. Making a cellphone call while driving

B. Speeding

C. Carrying more people than permitted

D. Fatigued driving

Answer: BC

14. The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that U-turns and left turns are permitted at the intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. On which of the following roads may the wheels be most easily locked when braking?

A. Concrete road

B. Dirt road

C. Road covered by ice and snow

D. Sand road

Answer: C

16. When encountering this situation on a mountainous road, motor vehicle drivers should overtake the vehicle in front by speeding up.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. Which of the following is a basic requirement for rescuing the injured at the scene of a traffic accident?

A. Treat wounds first and safe life later

B. Save life first and treat wounds later

C. Help lightly wounded persons first

D. Help seriously wounded persons later

Answer: B

18. If a fast-moving motor vehicle has a steering failure, using emergency braking will not cause an overturn.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

19. The sign in front indicates a temporary parking lot on the right side of the highway.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. Two parallel broken double-yellow lines indicate the position of a diversion lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

21. When approaching a vehicle on a narrow slope, which one of the following ways is correct?

A. The descending vehicle yields to the ascending

B. The vehicle which is further from the slope crest should yield

C. The ascending vehicle yields to the descending

D. If the descending vehicle has reached the midpoint while the ascending vehicle has not yet set out, the descending vehicle must yield.

Answer: A

22. The road marking on the right lane indicates that drivers may temporarily borrow the special lane for buses.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

23. The crosswalk of the intersection warns that pedestrians have priority.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

24. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A. Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B. Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowly

C. Park in a safe place

D. Drive slowly close to the roadside

Answer: C

25. A motor vehicle should not pass the level crossing rapidly in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A



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