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北京 天津 上海 重庆 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 内蒙古 黑龙江


1. The cross-hatched marking indicates an area where vehicle drivers are not allowed to stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. When driving a motor vehicle not equipped with the anti-lock braking system (ABS), what should the driver do if he brakes on a road covered by ice and snow?

A. Gently or intermittently depress the brake pedal

B. Depress the brake pedal as on other roads

C. Violently depress the brake pedal

D. Suddenly depress the pedal with force

Answer: A

3. What should the driver do when he encounters an oncoming ambulance in the same lane?

A. Keep to the side and reduce speed or stop to yield

B. Drive ahead by occupying another lane

C. Yield by speeding up and changing lanes

D. Drive ahead in the original lane

Answer: A

4. In rain, the most effective way to avoid the danger arising from water slide is to drive at high speed

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

5. Which of the following measures is correct for rescuing a person sustaining full-body burns?

A. Cover the fire with sandy soil

B. Spray cool water to his body

C. Put out the fire by extinguisher

D. Help to remove the burning clothes

Answer: B

6. When two vehicles approach each other on a foggy day, what is the best method of safe driving?

A. Turn on the high-beam

B. Slowdown and maintain a large safety distance

C. Turn on the low-beam

D. Turn on the fog lamp

Answer: B

7. Rescue personnel should check the breath of the unconscious person before applying any other emergency treatment.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

8. Which lamp should be used when motor vehicles pass through an intersection at night where there is no traffic light signal?

A. High-beam

B. Low-beam

C. Hazard lamps

D. High-beam and low-beam should be used alternatively

Answer: D

9. The sign on the right indicates that vehicles from the primary road have priority.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

10. The sign on the right indicates that sounding the horn is prohibited here.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

11. When passing this mountainous road, motor vehicle drivers should drive along the center of the road.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. When driving on an expressway, where should the driver park?

A. The service area

B. The acceleration lane

C. The deceleration lane

D. On the ramp

Answer: A

13. When there is a braking failure on a downhill road, what should not be done by the driver?

A. Steering the motor vehicle to the uphill direction

B. Stopping the vehicle by rubbing the vehicle body against the rocks or trees on roadside

C. Driving to the emergency lane and stop the vehicle there

D. Pulling up the stopping brake or change the gear to two positions lower

Answer: D

14. When fixing the unexposed bones in position, it is necessary to exceed the upper and lower joints of the wounded body part.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. Where is the proper parking place for motor vehicles driving on an expressway?

A. On the expressway ramp

B. In the acceleration lane

C. In the deceleration lane

D. In a service area

Answer: D

16. Under such circumstances, what should be done by the motor vehicle driver?

A. Reducing speed to give the right of way to the non-motor vehicle

B. Continuously sounding the horn to warn the vehicle in front to yield

C. Bypassing on the left of the non-motor vehicle

D. Accelerating to overtake by occupying the opposite lane

Answer: A

17. The sign in front indicates a 4-kilometer distance from the next exit.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

18. When a front tire bursts, after controlling the driving direction, what should be done by the driver in order to slow down and stop?

A. Immediately change to a high gear

B. Immediately change to a low gear

C. Immediately change to the neutral gear

D. Apply emergency braking

Answer: B

19. When a motor vehicle passes over an inundated road what should the driver do?

A. Stop and look at the situation

B. Make sure it is safe and pass over at a low speed

C. Intermittently and gently depress the brake pedal then wading across the water

D. Continuously but gently depress the brake pedal then wading across the water

Answer: ABC

20. Mr. Tong drove a large bus (capacity 55 people and carrying 54) to Taiyuan City. When he drove on a muddy road at the speed of 45 kilometers per hour, the bus skidded into a deep ditch, killing 14 people dead and badly injuring 40 What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Tong?

A. Overloaded

B. Speeding

C. Driving after drinking

D. Fatigued driving

Answer: B

21. The diamond-shaped sign on the road indicates a crosswalk on the road ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

22. When encountering this situation in a residential area the driver should sound the horn continuously.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

23. The sign on the right indicates to stop and yield at the intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

24. When a motor vehicle has deviated from the straight moving direction and an accident is unavoidable, the driver should decisively and continuously depress the brake pedal so as to shorten the stopping distance and reduce the impact of vehicle collision.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

25. What does this sign on the fly-over junction indicate?

A. Turn right

B. Drive straight or turn left

C. Drive straight or turn right

D. Take a U-turn under bridge

Answer: B



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