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北京 天津 上海 重庆 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 内蒙古 黑龙江


1. The sign on the right warns of a village 200 meters ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. When the electric equipment and gasoline of a motor vehicle catches fire, the driver may extinguish the fire with water.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

3. Before making a U-turn at the intersection ahead, motor vehicle drivers should drive to the lane for turning left and going straight.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

4. The leading cause of this accident is that the driver failed to make sure that it was safe to reverse before doing so.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

5. When a wounded person suffering burns is thirsty he may drink a small quantity of lightly salty water.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

6. Drivers may temporarily cross these central solid double yellow lines when overtaking.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

7. A driver should speed up when passing through road sections with this traffic marking.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

8. When encountering a road like this, motor vehicle drivers may make good use of neutral gear to coast.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

9. Sounding the horn on a foggy day can arouse the attention of the opposite side. After hearing the horn from the opposite side, the driver should also sound their own horn to respond.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

10. When a motor vehicle deviates from the normal direction due to steering failure and an accident is unavoidable, what should the driver do?

A. Apply emergency brake

B. Immediately steer and adjust

C. Immediately steer to the side where there is no obstacle and evade

D. Immediately steer to the side where there is an obstacle and evade

Answer: A

11. The sign in front indicates a temporary parking lot on the right side of the highway.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. Mr. Ran drove his car from 6am until 11 am without rest, falling down a steep 8.5-meter ridge at one side of a highway 1 km from Xunan Road in Xuahan County, killing 13 people and injuring 9. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr Ran commit?

A. Speeding

B. Driving not in accordance with the traffic markings

C. Exceeding carrying capacity

D. Fatigued driving

Answer: D

13. If a motor vehicle experiences a water sliding phenomenon when running on an expressway in rain, what should the driver do?

A. Slow down by suddenly depressing the brake pedal

B. Slow down by slowly releasing the accelerator pedal

C. Turn the steering wheel immediately to adjust the direction

D. Speed up to increase the displacement of the wheels

Answer: B

14. This sign warns to bypass from either side to avoid roadblock.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. The sign on the right side indicates no entry for all vehicles.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

16. The sign on the right indicates the location of the highway emergency phone.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. Unless stopping due to obstacles or vehicle breakdown on an expressway, motor vehicles are not allowed to stop to pick up or drop off people or load and unload cargo.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

18. Mr. Tang drove a large bus with 74 passengers (capacity 30 people). When descending a long curving slope at a speed of 38 kilometers per hour, the bus overturned to a brook beside the road. As a result of the accident, 17 people were killed and 57 people injured. What is the main illegal act committed by Mr. Tang?

A. Driving after drinking

B. Carrying more passengers than permitted

C. Fatigued driving

D. Speeding

Answer: BD

19. When a wounded person is beneath the wheel or cargo, we should help him out immediately by pulling the limbs of the wounded.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. When seeing this sign, the driver should slow down promptly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

21. Gun powder, explosives and detonating powder belong to which of the following dangerous chemicals?

A. Oxidizing materials

B. Inflammable solid materials

C. Explosives

D. Self-igniting articles

Answer: C

22. When steering failure happens to a fast moving motor vehicle, what should the driver do?

A. Apply emergency braking

B. Immediately change to a low gear

C. Reasonably use the driving brake and the stopping brake and refrain from applying emergency braking

D. Turn on the hazard lamps

Answer: BCD

23. Two parallel broken double-yellow lines indicate the position of a diversion lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

24. The road marker on the right side indicates that drivers may overtake by borrowing this road.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

25. What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle on the main road approaches a junction with a feeder road?

A. Slow down in advance and pay attention to other motor vehicles

B. Maintain the normal speed

C. Sound the horn and pass rapidly

D. Speed up and pass rapidly

Answer: A



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